

i had some bizarre dreams last night. very very odd indeed. I remember being with my mate who was a dwarf.. i have no idea what his name was but he was in love with me and also this female dwarf, she kept showing me such attention. They were both so cute but obviously just not my type. The female dwarf had the prettiest hair. it was red in colour and had such curls.. we were missioning all over town just being silly.. my male mate had this cool postie hat on. but i remember snakes being in the back of the car then in my friends house and at one point my male friend was trying to feed the snake beverages, fizzy.. it was red - maybe red creaming soda. apparently thats what snakes drink.. the snakes were pythons and they were just so pretty in colour. green and blues really bright coloured.. but they were just freaking me out, they were everywhere, curled up in odd places. I had to go and collect newspapers and take them somewhere and i was working in a boot factory.. this amazzzzing warehouse which was also my house/office and it had a skate ramp inside it. It was the coolest place. i remember the decor vividly.I also remember something about needing to have a baby but no-one else but us being alive so ofcourse i would of had to reproduce with my friend the dwarf... but the female friend was getting so jealous..

im not sure if this dream has any meaning what so ever. maybe it does???  but i woke up shortly after this - going what the fuck!

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