
Soy Milk Disaster

Bonsoy Soy Milk.

    More than 150 people have joined a class action against the distributor of a soy milk product found to contain excessive levels of iodine.
    Bonsoy voluntarily recalled its product in December last year after it was found to contain iodine levels 1000 times higher than rival brands, with one glass containing seven times the safe dose of the mineral.
    Maurice Blackburn lawyers launched a class action about five weeks ago in the Victorian Supreme Court alleging negligence on the part of the product's Australian distributor, Spiral Foods.
    At that time, 25 people were part of the class action.
    Since then, the number has ballooned to 155, the law firm's Queensland principal Rod Hodgson said on Tuesday.
    "The scale of this problem is much bigger than originally thought," Mr Hodgson told reporters in Brisbane.
    "Women have had miscarriages or babies with abnormalities."
    Others allegedly lapsed into comas, had their thyroids removed, and reported heart palpations, eyesight and hair loss.
    Some will be on medication for the rest of their lives, Mr Hodgson said.
    A statement from Spiral Foods says the company is aware of the class action against Bonsoy milk and because the matter is before the Supreme Court in Victoria it is unable to comment.
    However, the statement says after recalling the product it was reformulated.
    "The soy milk was reformulated early this year and has been back on shelves since May, after it was fully tested and approved by Australian food regulators," it said.
    The class action alleges the distribution company was negligent because it failed to test the milk. Compensation is being sought for medical expenses, loss of income, pain and suffering.
    Brisbane woman Shannon Cotterill drank Bonsoy soy milk over four years.
    After giving birth to her daughter Lucy late last year, her health took a downward spiral.
    "I thought I was going to die," she told reporters in Brisbane.
    Her symptoms included a resting heart rate of 150 beats per minute, hair loss, fatigue, joint pain and anxiety.
    She said she was admitted to hospital three times, stopped breast feeding and was forced to extend her maternity leave, therefore missing out on possible promotions at work.
    Shannon's daughter Lucy, now 11 months, has lumps in her breast tissue, and tests are being done to see if it is linked to high iodine levels.
    "I put Lucy to bed every night, kiss her and tell her I love her and that I'll see her in the morning, then I silently wish for her not to ever suffer because of this," Ms Cotterill said.
    Mr Hodgson said he expected more people to join the class action.
    "We believe that this is the tip of the iceberg," he said.
    "Any person who had some unexplained health problems between 2003 and last Christmas, which might have been thought to have been due to excess iodine should obtain medical advice, but if they drank Bonsoy, there is some realistic prospect that their health problems could be attributed to this product."
    The class action will go to a directions hearing in the Victorian Supreme Court this Friday.

    The excessive iodine was traced to a type of seaweed used in the manufacture of Bonsoy, and samples of the soy drink revealed iodine concentrations from 25,000 to 27,000 micrograms per litre.

    This Soy Milk is my favourite. It honestly is the tastiest stuff that's ever been invented. Well nearly, Except ofcourse for kewpie mayonnaise though who is prepared to argue this out. I have to find out more as i am not willing to take the news for all its worth, As we know what the news tells us isnt always correct

    I remember hearing this some time ago now on the tv/radio though obviously not taking as much notice as i probably should have just absent-mindedly shrugged it off like any old news...
    I am now trying to take that time to be more cautious of what i consume - 'Everything ofcourse in moderation'
    I consulted a friend who also Lives on this Soy and likewise feels content to continue drinking this as no impacts have resulted from the Warning. And i guess its a good way to think.
    I may just put my soy down and replace this with - rice milk
    ......even though this will be a hard trade in the end may be worthwhile.
    Fuck You, BONSOY.

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